Henry Goals; progress report

This page is a place for me to be accountable and to share with you my progress on completing my ‘Henry Goals.’  Right from the moment Henry died, I knew that I had a job to do which included meeting these goals.  I will add to these goals as I make new ones, and check them off as I complete them. 


  1. To speak publicly about Henry and my journey through this tragedy to anyone who will listen (and hopefully get paid for it)
  2. To write a children’s book about a zone in the ocean called ‘the deep’
  3. To write a children’s book about remembering a friend who has died
  4. To bring awareness of pediatric brain tumors locally
  5. To create an yearly award, for a grade 4 student who is amazing for being themselves that has no ties to academia but is given out by school boards.  I want it to be called ‘The Henry Size Ultra Rare Award”
  6. To write a book about my life, up to the moment and including Henry dying

Within 2 years, I would like to have the Henry Size Ultra Rare Award created and be given out by local school boards and to bring awareness of pediatric brain tumors locally.

Within 6 years, I would like to do some public speaking about Henry at least 2 times a year.

At some point down the road, I would like to create both children’s books and one adult book and have them published.